

Dear Rayner
I totally agree with what you say here. However, the fact remains that
obstetric cholestasis is a lifethreatening condition for the baby and the
mother. There are even anecdotal stories of women who have committed
suicide when the itching became intolerable. The research into this
condition indicates that a point is reached when the mother must deliver if
the baby is to survive - for her to believe, (or to be told) without the
evidence to support that belief, that a combination of herbs will cure her
and protect her baby is wholly unsatisfactory. 
Whilst I accept that it is iniquitous that women are the receiving agents
for unsubstantiated drugs and treatments during pregnancy and labour, this
iniquity is not alleviated just because the therapy recommended is herbal
rather than chemical. As a user of complementary therapies, as well as a
midwife who recommends their use, I owe it to my clients to be sure that
what I am recommending will not do any harm. I am very much concerned that
in this instance, great and lasting harm could be done. 
ps I like the idea of the tax inducements!
