

Thank you for that information Dominique.

I have a number of thoughts already about this curious technology?

-Why would we want to spend NHS money on this when we can barely afford

-Research as most as would know has supported one-to one midwifery care as a
way of reducing drugged childbirth (epidural is  certainly  in the "drugged"
mode). One-to one care contributes substantially contributes to maternal
satisfaction and normal healthy childbirth outcomes not epidurals. Creating
a product that almost seems to complements epidurals seems to be added way
undermining UK midwifery care for women and babies. 

Are maternal and foetal outcomes in the study being comprehensively measured

On a more general note:

-Why is there such a significant disparity between various maternity units
in relation to the use of epidural? I'd rather spend the novatrix research
funds on this.

-The iatrogenics of inappropriate obstetric technology is already very
worrying. One area barely considered is the detrimental psychological
effects on women. Is this being measured in the Novatrix study?

"Who pays the piper calls the tune"?

That's just today's wonderings!

Kerri-Anne Gifford
