

Picking up Ian's reference to the role of a system-specific user group, we 
have an active group of Multi MIMSY users, which I currently chair, which 
has been a very useful forum for sharing experiences and providing a focus 
with the overseas vendor and UK agent.

We have been meeting at different user institutions on a six-monthly cycle, 
with the typical agenda items including:

updates from new and established users
presentations on specific issues from the host user (imaging, Web interface, 
discussion of development priorities
identification of technical and user support issues and problems
presentations from the vendor (Willoughby) and UK agent (Hyder)

We have an informal committee made up of a cross section of users, which 
acts as a closer contact with the vendor and agent, exerting 
influence/pressure when required.

We also have an informal e-mail discussion group, which builds on the issues 
identified at the meetings and includes a few of the more active overseas 


Andrew Roberts
Documentation Officer
Museum of London 
London Wall, London EC2Y 5HN, UK
Tel. +44 (0)171 814 5587  (direct)
Tel. +44 (0)171 600 3699  (switchboard)
Fax. +44 (0)171 600 1058
