

On Mon, 20 Sep 1999, Jane Gibson wrote:

> Please could you send me instructions for adding a colleague to the mailing
> list.

As far as I understand the Mailbase system, I am the only person who can 
add or remove third parties, as Mailbase requires the e-mail address of 
anyone else to be exactly the same as the address given in the instruction. 

I think this is a deliberate feature, to avoid the possibility of 
hundreds of names being added by a mischievous prankster, as indeed 
happened on one occasion to the adam-news list in Tony Gill's days as 
listowner of that*. The list was then flooded with ever more offensive 
messages from those who had been unwittingly subscribed, all students at 
a US university. 

Names and e-mail addresses of third parties can be submitted to myself as 
listowner, and I will endeavour to subscribe them as soon as possible.

* Tony was also founder and first listowner of the MCG list, for which I 
think we should honour him with lifetime honorary membership.
Ian O. Morrison, Scottish Museums Documentation Officer
"Why can't I be different and original... like everybody else?" 
V. Stanshall
