

(Apologies for cross posting)
Due to the number od people whoa sked for an extension,the neadline is now
23rd of April.

Edinburgh, Scotland - September 10-11, 1999
co-located with VLDB'99 and supported by the Chorochronos network
The Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Database Management will bring
together leading researchers and developers in the area of spatio-
temporal databases to discuss the state-of-the-art in spatio-temporal
research and applications, and to start setting future research
directions. The workshop is intended to serve as a forum for
disseminating research and experience in this emerging and rapidly
advancing area. Since the workshop immediately follows VLDB'99 in
Edinburgh, the participants will be able to maximize their interchange
of experiences and knowledge.
The primary focus of the workshop is twofold. Focus is on new and
original research results in the areas of theoretical foundations,
design, implementation, and applications of spatio-temporal database
technology; and focus is on experience reports from the user and
commercial communities that describe lessons learned in the
development, operation, and maintenance of actual spatio-temporal
databases in practical and innovative applications. The goal is to
exchange research ideas and results which will not only contribute to
the academic arena, but will also benefit the user and commercial
communities in the near future and encourage a dialog between
practitioners and researchers. Suggested topics include, but are not
limited to, the following as they relate to spatio-temporal databases.
o Spatio-Temporal Taxonomies
o Ontologies for Spatio-Temporal Data
o Spatio-Temporal Data Models
o Spatio-Temporal Query Languages
o Spatio-Temporal Conceptual Modeling
o Spatio-Temporal Database Design
o Imprecise Spatio-Temporal Information
o Spatial Real-Time Databases
o Reasoning with Spatio-Temporal Information
o Spatio-Temporal Query Processing
o Spatio-Temporal Indexing
o Query Optimization Techniques
o Distributed Spatio-Temporal Databases
o Systems Architectures
o Integration with Existing Commercial Products
o Critical Evaluation of Standards Proposals
o Use of Spatio-Temporal Data for Simulation
o Benchmarking
o Use of Spatio-Temporal Data for Decision Support
o Knowledge Discovery in Spatio-Temporal Data
o Visual Interfaces and Visualization
o Novel and Challenging Applications
o Requirements Analysis for Applications
o Reports on Experience with Real Applications
The workshop will be organized in a manner designed to maximize the
opportunity for interaction and exchange among the participants. It
will consist mainly of paper presentations on recent developments and
emerging trends, but time will also be allocated for informal
discussions among the participants. This format should provide a
forum for collaborations to develop among members of the international
community of spatio-temporal database researchers and practitioners.
Authors are invited to electronically submit original research
contributions or experience reports in English. Papers should be
double-spaced and no longer than 8,000 words (roughly twenty pages).
Submissions should include each author's full name, affiliation,
complete address where you can be reached the week of June 4, 1999,
telephone number, internet address, and, if available, fax
number. Notification and reviews will be communicated via email.
Submitters should indicate in a cover letter their willingness to
attend the workshop and present their paper.
Submitted papers will be refereed by at least three reviewers for
quality, correctness, originality, and relevance. In addition, papers
will be rated based on the degree to which they integrate spatial and
temporal aspects, and this criterion will be considered during paper
selection. Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop and
included in the proceedings, which will be published by
Springer-Verlag in their LNCS series, and will be available at the
Proposals for panels that examine emerging, innovative, or otherwise
provocative spatio-temporal database issues are encouraged as
well. Panel proposals should include a 1-2 page summary of the topic
and the names and affiliations of 3-4 panelists who have made a
commitment to participate. A mix of industry and academic panel
members is recommended.
A fully electronic review process is being planned. Papers and panel
proposals should be submitted electronically in postscript or pdf
format by Friday, April 16, 1999, following the procedure described on
the workshop's submission page, at
For enquiries regarding the technical program, contact the Program
Chairs, at <[log in to unmask]> or <[log in to unmask]>.
Paper and proposal submission: April 16, 1999 (firm deadline)
Notification of acceptance: June 4, 1999
Camera-ready copy due: July 2, 1999
Workshop: September 10-11, 1999
For further information or in case of questions not related to the
technical program, please contact the General Chair, Babis
Theodoulidis, at <[log in to unmask]>.
General Chair:
Babis Theodoulidis, UMIST
Program Chairs:
Christian S. Jensen, Aalborg University
Michel Scholl, CNAM and INRIA
Program Committee:
Lars Arge, Duke University
Elisa Bertino, Universita di Milano
Jan Chomicki, Monmouth University
Max Egenhofer, University of Maine
Andrew U. Frank, Technical Univ. Vienna
St?phane Grumbach, INRIA
Oliver Gunther, Humboldt Univ. Berlin
Ralf H. Guting, FernUniversitdt Hagen
Manolis Koubarakis, UMIST
Nikos Lorentzos, Agri. Univ. Athens
Yannis Manolopoulos, Aris. Univ. Thesaloniki
Enrico Nardelli, Universita di L'Aquila
Mario Nascimento, Unicamp
Barbara Pernici, Politecnico di Milano
Philippe Rigaux, CNAM Paris
John Roddick, Univ. South Australia
Hans-Jfrg Schek, ETH Zurich
Timos Sellis, NTUA
Stefano Spaccapietra, EPFL Lausanne
Yannis Theodoridis, NTUA
Babis Theodoulidis, UMIST
Nectaria Tryfona, Aalborg University
Vassilis Tsotras, UC Riverside
Ouri Wolfson, Univ. of Illinois
Michael Worboys, Keele University
Yannis Kakoudakis, UMIST
Organization coordination:
Ilias Petrounias, UMIST
Michael H. Bfhlen, Aalborg University
Alex Vakaloudis, UMIST
Joann Slater, UMIST
Technical coordination:
