

                  UK Online User Group
           Quarterly Report, 30th January 1999

1. Online 98
UKOLUG provided the Help Desk for the International Online Exhibition 
held in London in December. As well as directing visitors and dealing 
with technical enquiries, UKOLUG signed up several new members. The 
UKOLUG lecture was given by Cynthia Hill, Librarian at Sun 
Microsystems USA. The title of her talk  "Beyond Information Chaos: 
influencing Intranet development" attracted an audience of 
approximately 180 people. 

2. Meetings
We have a full program for 1999 including several completely new 
courses.  The two meetings for March are now fully booked and a 
second day for Bibliographic Software is being organised. 

Planning for the UKOLUG conference in the year 2000 is now well under 
way. It will be held at Robinson College, Cambridge on 12th-14th July 

4. Management Committee
Shona McTavish has had to resign from the committee because of other 
commitments. We are actively seeking someone who will be able to take 
on responsibility for legal issues. 

5. LA/IIS talks
The UKOLUG committee has responded to the consultative document, 
taking into consideration the concerns and issues raised by our 
members regarding the future of IIS SIGs within the proposed new 

6. Newsletter 
Alison McNab has stepped down as editor of the Newsletter. The new 
editor is Chris Armstrong.

7. Membership
Membership remains healthy with approximately 900 personal members 
and 130 corporate members. 

8. Publications
The 20th Birthday Conference Proceedings were published in November 
and several new publications are in the pipeline.

Karen Blakeman
