

If you look at page 30 of the Associateship Regulations (page 22 in the 1997
reprint) it states ("presentation" (b) )  that the report should be 4000 -
6000 words in length exclusive of any supporting appendices.

Please note though that point (e) on the same page states:  "The appendices
should not normally  exceed the report length proper"

I hope this helps

Isabelle Robinson
Professional Qualifications Dept.
The Library Association
7 Ridgmount Street
London.  WC1E 7AE

Tel. 0171 636 7543 x332
email: [log in to unmask]

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Johnson [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: 06 May 1999 15:34
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Appendices and all that.

Hello all fellow bespectacled cardigan wearers

As part of my PDR I am hoping to submit a 1,500 word report analysing 
an e-journal subscription agent, which I undertook during my 12 month
training programme. It was a valuable exercise and very useful for my 
professional development, so I would like to include it as an appendix. 
Am I correct in thinking that despite it being an appendix, it still 
counts towards the total PDR word count because of its length?


(mantra: I will do it, I will do it, I won't switch on the TV...)

Paul Johnson | Assistant Librarian for Health, Computing & Engineering  |
Thompson Library | Staffordshire University | College Road | Stoke-on-Trent
| ST4 2XS |
Phone: 01782 295791 | email: [log in to unmask] | fax: 01782 295799 |
