

Dear List-members,

One of our postgraduate students is doing some research into the Basque 
Country's policy on the European Union and, specifically, is trying to 
locate holdings of the following at least as far back as the late 1980s 
and preferably, earlier than that:

El pais
El mundo
Boletin Oficial del Estado.

I've looked on the WWW but, as I expected, can only find recent issues 
of these so need to resort to the more traditional formats. She is also 
interested in looking at any government department publications on the 
regional policy etc. (They would, however, need to be in Castilian.)

I would be very grateful for any pointers in the right direction.


Emer Stubbs (Mrs.)
Hispanic Studies Subject Librarian
University of Bristol
Tyndall Avenue

Emer Stubbs
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