


If you are interested in an opportunity to help run the Metamorphic
Studies Group, read on....

At the Metamorphic Studies Group Annual General Meeting on 10th March,
three positions will become vacant on the MSG Committee:  the Chair,
the Secretary and the Treasurer.  Nominations are invited for these
posts.  The tenure is normally three years.  See below for outlines of
the work involved.

Nominees should be people who are in relatively 'secure' posts (on a
3-year time-scale) and who are prepared (i) to give time to help run
MSG, and (ii) to attend the two Cttee meetings each year (one in
March, the other normally in the autumn).

Nominations must should be submitted in writing to the current
Secretary (Kevin Jones, Geology, School of Molecular and Biological
Sciences, Oxford Brookes University, Gipsy Lane Campus, Headington,
Oxford, OX3 OBP, UK)
to arrive by 9 March.  Each nomination must be supported by TWO other
MSG members (proposer and seconder) and should be accompanied by a
signed statement by the nominee confirming that
he/she is willing to be nominated.

Main Duties:-

Represent the MSG at committee meetings of the two parent societies:
the Geological Society of London and the Mineralogical Society of
Great Britain.  Liaise with the Geol. Soc. and Min. Soc..  Chair the
MSG AGM (in March).  Chair MSG Committee meetings (2 per year).
Generally help convenors organise meetings on behalf of MSG.  Write
annual reports on MSG activities for the parent societies.
(N.B. Chair must be a Fellow of the Geol. Soc. and member of the Min.

Prepare advertisements for forthcoming events for circulation and
publication in Geoscientist magazine and Min. Soc. Bulletin., web etc.
Prepare agenda and minutes of MSG Committee meetings (2 per year).
Represent MSG at Geol. Soc. open days.  Represent MSG at Geol.
Soc. Specialist Group meetings when the Chair cannot be present.
Convene the March MSG Research in Progress meeting.  Keep MSG
membership list up to date.

Deal with MSG financial transactions.  Keep tabs on MSG bank accounts
and report on them regularly to MSG Cttee.  Prepare MSG accounts for
submission to Min. Soc. in July for auditing.
