

Dear colleague!

As a convenor of the Special Symposium C-Global Changes and Future
Environment, session C-5 "Anthropogenic Impact on Weathering Processes",
which will be organized in course of the 31st International Geological
Congress in Rio de Janeiro from August 6 to 17, 2000,  I would like to
invite you to contribute a paper relating to the topic of the above
session. All papers (excluding seven invited keynote speakers) have to be
presented as posters. The deadline for abstracts (max. 250 words, in
English) is September 1st, 1999.

 Please send your abstract to: 
31st International Geological Congress
Scientific Program Committee
Av. Pasteur, 404 - Casa Brazil 2000
Urca - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil - Cep 22.290-240 
- and PLEASE inform also me about your submitted abstract.

For details concerning the presentations  please see the Web site

Please distribute this call for papers in your department and forward it to
any of your colleagues who might be interested.
(Usual apologies for possible cross-posting). 

With best regards

Dr. Petr Sulovsky
leader of IGCP 405 "Anthropogenic Impact on Weathering Processes" (1996 - 2000)
Dept. of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry
Faculty of Science, Masaryk University
Kotlarska 2
611 37 Brno
Czech Republic
phone +420-541129231
fax +420-541211214
