

Dear All

Many thanks to everyone who sent me case study details about business
funded education projects. I have sent them on to DCMS and files them
for future reference. Please do keep examples coming particularly if you
have done, or are thinking of doing, something which relates to social
and cultural inclusion, creativity, literacy and numeracy, impact
evaluation or sustainable development.

In the meantime I thought it would be useful to let peole know about one
or two things which have come up in the last few weeks.


As many of you probably know, Graham Archer who was the Museum Champion
at the DfEE, has gone on to greater things. He has, however, now been
replaced by Debbie Lye. Pauline Linton is still there and is still
dealing with the DfEE grants programme.

New Opportunities Fund

I have had a useful meeting with NOF about funding for Study Support
programmes. The targets set for NOF by the government are to commit
£205 million to out of school hours learning activities involving at
least half of all secondary schools, a quartre of all primaries and a
quarter of all special schools. Whilst museums can, in partnership with
schools, bid to this fund it is imprtant to note what these targets mean
in terms of money available. Our meeting made it clear that schools are
unlikely to get more than 1 hit at the fund. So, if you are planning a
project make sure that the schools you are working with are not already
part of an LEA wide or consortia bid. You need to keep your bids small
as well. NOF made it clear that, in order to meet the targets, primary
schools are likely to get no more than £11,000 and secondaries no more
than £15,000. 

Museums and Galleries Month

Museums week has been replaced by Museums and Galleries month for the
millennium. The Campaign for Museums has joined up with engage for the
month of May extending to June 6th.  For details and to register call
The Campaign for Museums on 0171 233 9796.

Hope all this is useful.

Best wishes

Sue WIlkinson
Caroline Lang
