

> As some Postmodernists will one day find out, it's not so easy to
> dispense with reality.

This seems to go back to John Daigle's notion that "ideology" and 
"method" are easily separable. There seem to be a lot of slippages 
going on here. "Ideology" = "Propaganda". "Postmodernism" = 
"Sitting around, smoking joints and saying 'What is truth, anyway, 
man?'". "Method" = "Guns don't kill people. Marilyn Manson does". 
"Reality" = "Kicking stones with Dr. Johnson". 

It still amazes me that Clinton saw "violent images" as central to 
the Denver massacre while categorically stating "Violence is 
wrong" as bombers flew (and carry on flying) into Yugoslavia. 
Ideology? Only dangerous when perceived as method?


silence - exile - cunning