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    F i l m - P h i l o s o p h y
    ISSN 1466-4615

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The salon has undergone a couple of changes in the last week or so.

First we have a new website address,, which will act as a simple gateway to the (unchanged) Mailbase homepage.

Secondly, _Film-Philosophy_ has been allocated an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN 1466-4615), which means that it is now an official serial publication, indexed by the British Library, etc. All the review articles, stretching back to April 1997, are now logged by volume and number.

Thus, _Film-Philosophy_ has now three interlocking existences: as an international online publication -- a 'salon journal' perhaps? -- specialising in book review articles (at the moment . . .); an email discussion salon with over 500 members from 20 countries; and a website resource of bibliographies, writings and other film-philosophical links.

As regards the ISSN, I have never intended for the salon to turn into a quarterly journal, and will continue to publish writing week by week. The main reason for this -- the main reason-to-be of the salon -- is discussion. The review articles exist ultimately in order to drive the international chat that is so unique to the internet. I would go so far as to say that the articles are there to be *completed* or *continued* by you members. This is what makes us a salon *event*. But any comments on the direction of _Film-Philosophy_ as a whole would be much appreciated.

All the best,

Daniel Frampton
London, England
March 1999
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