

the misunderstandings deepen - if I was so desperate to hide the rest of
these reviews why did I provide the URL's for these reviews? My point is
simply that S and B's central charge is that these philosophers get
their facts wrong. The reviewers both point out that S and B get their
own facts wrong - both culturally and on the history of science and its
current practices. After this, I just think that any other points are
fairly mute. As for your other points, good grief...all I can say is
that you begin with a comment on Ted's "balanced and searching analysis
of Deleuze".... had he even read Deleuze at all? He doesn't seem to and
good luck to him if he never does. At least I've read some of S and B
(despite Ted's constant charge that I haven't read any of it). I have
already acknowledged that many of these philosophers make scientific
errors, etc. etc etc  ..In any case, I give up....
farewell and have fun,

"I thought I had reached port; but I seemed to be cast
back again into the open sea" (Deleuze and Guattari, after Leibniz)

Dr Andrew Murphie - Lecturer
Media and Communication Studies, Macquarie University, Sydney, 2109
fax:612 98508240 tlf:612 98508761 email:[log in to unmask]
