

Steve B. wrote...

Hunting/gathering however
>has been around 2,000,000+ years and has shaped our genotype/phenotype.

Hi Steve, well, since gathering has been around for *at least* as long as
hunting, how come we don't see any "middle class white americans" going out
into the woods to collect herbs and other non-animal foods?  I don't expect
you to go into a lengthy explanation, but I'd like to hear your thoughts on
it.  If you hunt because it's in your "historical genetics," then why don't
you also "gather"?  Or do you?

Lions don't "need" to kill, we can put them all in zoos and feed
>them vegetable protein and they'll do fine, and we can go on Sundays and
>laugh at them and take their pictures and buy cotton candy for the kids and
>feel very smug that we've "saved" the species. What crap!

I don't think this is a solid analogy at all.  The lion has no choice of
whether or not it's taken into captivity and fed vegetable protien.  We have
a choice of whether or not we "kill for sport."

Bryan H.
