

Have you looked at our website.
Perhaps we could work together.

peter Irons.

-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Lancaster <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: 22 January 1999 12:38
Subject: Re: Increasing numbers of students with dyslexia ?

>The message <[log in to unmask]>
>  from  [log in to unmask] contains these words:
>> Our institution has been experiencing a constant increase in the number
>> students with dyslexia. Managers here are keen to know if this is
>> happening across HE. I've no doubt it is, but would anyone mind giving me
>> basic numbers of students with dyslexia, in their institution, over the
>> last 3 years and what % it is of the total student pop'.
>> Many many thanks
>> Rebecca Longley
>> Southampton Institute
>We estimate some 80% of the Male population have some degree of
>dyslexia.     The point on the curve at which this deemed to become
>significant (and IU don't mena statistically) enough to be a
>disability determines the number of cases.     Someone needs to 'set
>a measure'.    A problem is that this is a Golden Goose and there's
>money is dyslexia assessment/provision for certain parties and
>diminishing the market would mean a loss of income.     However, we
>all know what happens to Golden Geese.
>We are Chartered Occupational Psychologists, specialising in the post
>16 sector.    I think most University students are over 16?
>I guess that the DfEE will eventually realise this and demand Psyc
>assessments from Occ Psycs instead of Ed Psycs?    NB In our area,
>Suffolk & Cambridge already tiering DSA applications from dyslexics.
>I want to correct any impression that we are gloating over this
>prospect.    However, the possibility of this happening might be
>worth considering?
>[log in to unmask]
>Stephen Lancaster
