

Re: Finnish Quadraplegic applicant.
In some circumstances I feel that neither student halls of 
residence nor private rented accommodation is likely to offer 
the appropriate housing for a student.  
I have approached Housing Associations which have adapted 
housing, and asked whether I can act as a referral agency, 
'sponsoring' the student as applicant for housing, and they've 
been quite OK about this.  This may also offer some low level 
support in the community as many housing associations for 
'vulnerable groups' use key worker systems.  I have a couple of 
students now who are Housing Association residents, and 
another making application.  
I'm not sure if this will work for your Finnish student, who would 
be coming to the UK not to take up ordinary residence, but for 
the purposes of education, presumbably - unless he was 
guided otherwise!  
May be worth looking into HA's for your Finn, though I'm not 
telling you which Housing Associations I've used!
Debbie Gibberd
City University Disability Officer
Northampton Square, London EC1V0HB

020 7477 8806 voice and minicom
020 7477 8592 fax
