

Dear Colleagues

You may know that HEFCE has asked HEIs to produce plans about how they intend
to widen participation to under-represented groups (HEFCE circular 99/33;
deadline for return of "initial statement" is Oct 1 1999 ). The
same circular also invites bids for a variety of funds - for regional
partnerships, joint work on Life-Long Learning partnerships with FE colleges -
and gives brief information on the new disability funding programme and a
special Millemium Summer School programme (this last initiative will run in the
summer of 2000). The thinking behind these funding programmes, how they all
fit together and how they fit with the new disability funding programme, is
best captured in an earlier HEFCE circular 99/24.

As a team we are working with HEFCE officers to encourage central policy makers
and institutions to remember that disability issues should be brought under the
general umbrella of widening participation - and that disabled students are
just as much an underrepresented groups as students from lower socio-economic
or minority ethnic groups.

You might like to take action to ensure that disability issues are included
within more general thinking on widening participation in your institution by,
for example,

 - getting informed about the wider context by reading HEFCE circulars
99/33 and 99/24 (available on the HEFCE web site - HEFCE publications)

 - identifying and then making contact with staff in your institution who
are leading on the widening participation issue

 - if time is still available this year, considering with those staff how
disabled student issues can be included in your institution's initial
statement on widening participation and, if possible, associated funding

If the initial statement and the funding bids have already been
finalised,it is still worth developing ideas with those same staff about
how disability issues can be included in future similar bids/ documents
prepared regularly for HEFCE e.g. the annual operating statement which will
be the monitoring mechanism for HEFCE to check that progress is being made
on the widening participation front.

Between September and December 1999 the eQuip team will issue more
information/advice about the widening participation funding programme as it
develops.We do realise how busy everyone has been in June and July and
appreciate, too, that the time to open up these kind of discussions is not
always readily available. But it could be well worth prioritising some time
for this (if not now, then later in the first session this coming academic

Best wishes

Mike Adams, Liz Sutherland and Rosemary Turner - eQuip team

Liz Sutherland
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