

Dear all,

Two of my students have decided that they would like to move out into
privately rented accommodation next year. They have been living in
campus halls up until now.

The first student is a wheelchair user, who has two CSV volunteers
working with her. She would require an adapted bathroom, including wheel
in, wheel out shower and low level furniture in her bedroom. I have
found a landlord who is willing to be involved (luckily). He is prepared
to have his house adapted but would like me to look into funding
resources. We have designs in hand, so that is not an issue (unless
anyone knows anyone who they could recommend).

The second student has a hearing impairment, and for safety's sake needs
a vibrating pillow attachment and stobe light fitted to the house fire
alarm system. The potential landlord is unaware of the student's
impairment. The student is in a dilema about whether to declare his
impairment to the landlord (legal/moral/safety implications), and also
regarding funding for the adaptations.

Does anyone have any advice concerning getting financial help for these
adaptations? As far as I am aware, the university had an obligation (as
"the institution") for providing these facilities while the students
lived in our property (campus halls) under the DSA. 

Many thanks in advance.

Richard Edwards.

Richard Edwards,
Special Needs Officer,
Department of Planning and Marketing,
University of Wales Swansea,
Singleton Park,
Swansea SA2 8PP.

Tel: 01792 295336
Minicom/Text: 01792 295089
Fax: 01792 295336
Mobile: 07801 13 63 63
Email: [log in to unmask]
