

The central exmas office pay for all special arrangements 
etc. at the moment, though it is getting more expensive.
Equal Ops Advisory Group said NO to the idea of chargiunbg 
students, even through the DSA, as it looks bad PR!!
Deb V

On Tue, 13 Jul 1999 15:52:42 +0100 Patrick Mulcahy 
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Dear all,
> How do other HEIs pay for amanuensis.  Is it the Department 
> concerned, central funds, and/or LEA?
> Advice appreciated.
> PATRICK MULCAHY UCL Disability Co-ordinator
> Academic Services Registrar's Division
> Tel: (0171) 391 1343
> Fax: (0171) 916 8530 

Deb Viney
Disability Co-ordinator
University of Southampton
[log in to unmask]

Tel: 01 703 597518 
