

Alberto Fasso' writes:
 > On Sat, 6 Mar 1999, Richard Maine wrote:
 > >            The compiler is allowed a lot of freedom in line splitting
 > > with list-directed output.  Some compilers might write it all on one
 > > line, but this certainly isn't required.
 > Right. But personally I find it a very bad thing. Portability in
 > my opinion means also that you should get the same results on
 > any platform. I had to struggle with a number of programs
 > I had to port from VAX to UNIX, and where all output, originally 
 > nice and friendly, had become an unreadable mess. It took me a lot of time
 > to convert hundreds of list-directed WRITE statements to formatted.
 > I would like to stress that often one writes programs (or scripts)
 > which have as input the output of other programs: but this is very
 > difficult when output changes from platform to platform.

Yes, this can often be an issue.  Where portability of exact format is
important, don't use list-directed formatting.  Its nice for quick and
easy debugging output or other things where you care more about
simplicity than precise control.  (By the way, list-directed output is

Richard Maine
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