

A warning.

It would appear that there was more than on bug infesting 
the probit function (not link)in WinBUGS1.1 because one 
seems to  still be lurking in WinBUGS1.2beta, despite the  
authors' claim to have fixed the probit function. Even 
though the elements of my doodle specify that probit be 
used as a function, when you get Doodle to write the code 
it is specified as a link thus inverting the modeller's 
intention. Thus logical node x with identity link and value 
specified to probit(p) appears in the written code as 
probit(x)<-p. Not what was intended. When sampled the node 
returns the value specified by the written code not the 
Just so long as people are aware of the bug it should 
not be a problem. But since the function is returning the 
wrong value it is more dangerous than the old simple crash 
(did I ever think that I would yearn for those 
incomprehensible crashes!)
Good luck to all (hey it's still a good product and still 
only beta)
Brian McArdle
[log in to unmask]
(64)9 3737599 X5845 
Fax (64)9 3737018
Department of Statistics
University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
New Zealand
