

Hello there,

This is not mindless spam, so don’t hit the delete button yet. I’ve been trawling poetry & writing sites on the net and found your e-mail address, so chances are you’ll be interested in finding out about a new writing magazine.

Acid Angel was born May 1998 and as I write, the third issue is in pre-production, ready for release in November 99. Within the first three issues we have featured fine work by Janice Galloway, Alasdair Gray, Edwin Morgan, James Kelman, Alan Warner, John Heath-Stubbs, Arthur Rimbaud, Ivor Cutler, Jay Ramsay, Rupert Loydell, Mario Petrucci, Richard Wonnacott and many lesser known, but equally brilliant writers.

A promising start ? Well, the magazine is only going to get better and better. If you want to find out more about the magazine and other Acid Angel projects, read on. And don’t worry, you have not been added to any mailing list. You won’t be bombarded with spam from us. This is a one off. If you want to be added to our e-mailing list, send an e-mail requesting this and we’ll add you.

All the best

Dee Rimbaud

info about Acid Angel, The AA Small Press Listings and The Fire In The Blood anthology follows



Magazine Editor’s Copy


Dept X2, 35 Falkland Street (GFL), Glasgow, G12 9QZ, Scotland, UK.

Tel: +44 (0)141-221-1223. E-mail: [log in to unmask]


ACID ANGEL #1, Published June 1998. Featuring: Ivor Cutler, Magi Gibson, James Kelman, Edwin Morgan, Robert Mackenzie, Jay Ramsay, John Heath-Stubbs & Valerie Wittgenstein among others. Sold Out

ACID ANGEL #2, Published October 1998. Featuring: Carolyn Finlay, Dee Rimbaud, Eve Lilith MacRae, Ledenhendrie, David Morrison, Rupert M Loydell, Alan Warner, Richard Wonnacott, Gemma Tighe, Tim Allen, Mart P. Smith, Peter Turnstall, Yoshi Ooshi. £3.50/ US$10.00

ACID ANGEL #3 will be published in the autumn/fall of 1999. Featuring: Janice Galloway, Alasdair Gray, Arthur Rimbaud, Edwin Morgan, Gaia Holmes, Scott Pack, Anne Rowan, Sean Tait, Joanna Ashwell, Joy Reid, Richard Alan Bunch, Steven Mayoff, & Paul Brownsey, among others. It is going to be the biggest, brightest and best Acid Angel yet. £5.00/ US$15.00


A.A. SMALL PRESS LISTINGS: This is a very detailed list of small press and independent lit magazines. It is kept on a computer database and is constantly updated, thanks to feedback from a bevy of correspondents. It is now available in a variety of formats and prices.

UK: Print out: £5.00. *Floppy Disc: £3.00. **E-mail: £2.00

Europe: Print out: £7.00/ US$21.00 *Floppy Disc: £5.00/ US$15.00 **E-mail: £2.00/ US$6.00

Overseas: Print out: £10.00/US$30.00 *Floppy Disc: £7.00/ US$21.00 **E-mail: £2.00/ US$6.00

* P.C. Version only. Word 97 (earlier versions available, please specify) ** Normally sent as Word 97 file attachment, but can be cut & pasted into e-mail if required.

"THE BAD SEED" by DEE RIMBAUD (Stride Publications, 1998) 

"The genuine anarchist transcends all isms to speak from his or her instincts for what is true, beautiful and just. Dee has always done that - he isn’t afraid to burn, and his razor-sharp eye is as penetrating in his artwork as it is in his words" (Jay Ramsay)

This is the editor of Acid Angel’s first collection. You can check out extracts from THE BAD SEED at: A 90 page paperback of poetry, prose & artwork, powerfully exploring the themes of degeneration, transformation and re-birth. £6.95 For Trade or Bulk orders, contact Littlehampton Book Services (ISBN: 1 900152 20 7)


The next four issues of Acid Angel: £20.00/ US$60.00

This guarantees each issue will cost you only £5/ US$15


All cheques payable to: DEE RIMBAUD



Dept X2, 35 Falkland Street (GFL), Glasgow, G12 9QZ, Scotland, UK

Tel: +44 (0)141-221-1223. E-mail: [log in to unmask]

This is a detailed list of small press and independent literature magazines. It is kept on a computer database and is constantly updated. It is now available in a variety of formats and prices.

UK: Print out: £5.00. *Floppy Disc: £3.00. **E-mail: £2.00

Europe: Print out: £7.00/ US$21.00 *Floppy Disc: £5.00/ US$15.00 **E-mail: £2.00/ US$6.00

Overseas: Print out: £10.00/US$30.00 *Floppy Disc: £7.00/ US$21.00 **E-mail: £2.00/ US$6.00

* P.C. Version only. Word 97 (earlier versions available, please specify) ** Normally sent as Word 97 file attachment, but can be cut & pasted into e-mail if required.

In the Small Press Publishing world magazines come and go with amazing regularity. Some magazines advertise their presence and fold without even printing their first issue. Most, at least, print a few issues before embracing oblivion; and then, there’s a few lucky others with a mysterious staying power, often senile and a few pennies short of a zeitgeist, but kept alive by the cash injections of benign, but confused Arts Councils. But which is which and what is what? How do you know where to send your poems or which magazines to subscribe to? Well, you won’t go far wrong by buying The A.A. SMALL PRESS LISTINGS.

In The A.A. SMALL PRESS LISTINGS you will find all sorts of invaluable information. The editor’s name, the magazine’s address, telephone & fax numbers, e-mail & web-site addresses, how long the magazine’s been going, it’s circulation & frequency of publication, the cost of an issue & the cost of subscription. You will also find information about the editorial policy, style, philosophy, politics & content of the magazine which will enable you to effectively target your submissions and to chose which magazines you wish to purchase or subscribe to. As well as this, we also keep tags on magazines that have folded, suspended operations or apparently disappeared without trace: saving you a fortune in postage costs.

The A.A. SMALL PRESS LISTINGS are brought to you partly as a labour of love and partly to help fund the production of ACID ANGEL MAGAZINE. A lot of work goes into producing and updating this listing, but I believe it is worth it. It is important that writers & magazine editors have access to a detailed and up-to-date source of information. The AA Small Press Listings is maintained and updated on a regular basis by the editor of Acid Angel Magazine who scours the reviews and listings sections of numerous small press magazines. He is aided and abetted in this task by a small bevy of correspondents - magazine editors, writers, reviewers and subscribers who feed back information and news. The AA Small Press Listings relies heavily on feedback. The more feedback I receive, the more accurate I can make this listing:

NB: All costs relating to this service - including laser toner, stationary, stamps, internet connection and call charges are paid for by myself. All money received goes straight into an account I have set aside strictly for the production of Acid Angel Magazine. Please make cheques payable to: DEE RIMBAUD





Please return completed questionnaire to DEE RIMBAUD, AA SMALL PRESS LISTINGS, 35 FALKLAND STREET, GLASGOW, G12 9QZ, SCOTLAND, UK.

or e-mail (in HTML or Word file attachment) to: [log in to unmask]


Magazine Title


Editor’s Name(s)












Year Established


Payment Terms To Contributors

(eg Sample Copy and/or cash)


Editorial Policy/ Politics or Philosophy of Magazine 

(please give as much info as possible)










Submission Guidelines





Format (Size, Type of binding etc)


Cost of single issue


Subscription costs

Submission requirements:

POETRY: yesš noš

PROSE: yesš noš



ARTICLES: yesš noš

REVIEWS: yesš noš

CRITICISM: yesš noš






* If there are size/ word length restrictions please add details


N.B. Acid Angel Magazine, the sister publication of The A.A. Small Press Listings features a large, unpretentious reviews section which attempts to be reasonably objective, tolerant and non-judgemental. Its purpose is to help readers and writers make informed choices rather than to spout the pseudo-intellectual & extremely subjective vitriol which quite a number of publications peddle as literary criticism.

Please send review copies to: Dee Rimbaud, Acid Angel, Dept X2, 35 Falkland Street (GFL), Glasgow, G12 9QZ, Scotland, UK.


The next issue of Acid Angel will be published towards the tail end of 1999, just in time for a bit of millennial hysteria. Probably as good a time as any to try and find new punters!

A good time to have yourself advertised in Acid Angel which will be increasing its print run to 1000.

Acid Angel #3 will feature work by Janice Galloway, Alasdair Gray, Edwin Morgan and new translations of Arthur Rimbaud by J.N. Reilly.




I have decided to knock the previously published rates down to rock bottom, so that even small press magazines can afford to advertise in Acid Angel.


½ PAGE: £30-

¼ PAGE: £15-

LINEAGE: 5p per word/ 6p per word (bold or italic)

MAIL OUTS: £2.50 per 100




Send competed art work, advertising copy and fliers or mail outs to:

ACID ANGEL, Dept X2, 35 Falkland Street (GFL), Glasgow, G12 9QZ, Scotland.

Make cheques payable to: DEE RIMBAUD

Telephone Enquiries: 0141-221-1223





An Anthology of Writing inspired by and relating to intoxication



Two centuries ago, it would have taken several months for a message to be relayed from Britain to Australia. Now, it takes no time at all. Technology has made it possible for information to be exchanged at the touch of a button. The politicians are never tired of telling us that this is "the information age": they are less inclined though, to point out that this is also the age of deliberate misinformation.

No issue has attracted as much hype, controversy, debate and misinformation as that of the use of illegal intoxicants and stimulants. And, conversely, no issue has attracted more apathy than the use of legal or prescribed intoxicants and stimulants. Why is this? Why is it that the few deaths that have occurred amongst the millions of people who regularly use Ecstasy have received so much publicity when hundreds of thousands of people die each year from using tobacco and alcohol? Why is it that a drunken driver who kills a schoolchild receives a fine and a suspended sentence and a man who uses cannabis to alleviate the pain of his arthritis is sent to jail for a year? Why do politicians, law-makers and opinion formers criminalise and demonise the huge minority (and possibly even majority) of the population who chose to use unsanctioned, illegal drugs? Why do so many people chose to use these drugs and risk prosecution? These questions and many others need to be addressed.

The use of intoxicants and stimulants is not a modern phenomena. These have been used since the beginning of time by mystics, artists and writers as well as people who have just wanted to get out of their faces. Drugs, both natural and chemically synthesised, have altered people’s perceptions of the universe and opened them up to experience other realities. Many people have been radically affected by these experiences. Some have had mystical experiences or revelations about themselves or the nature of the universe; others have received information or inspiration that they might not have otherwise been able to access; some have been tormented by demons, either inside or outside of themselves; and some have just had a good time, giggled a lot, eaten too much or shagged someone they shouldn’t have.

Drugs (both legal and illegal) can fire up or deaden the imagination, make you experience heaven or hell, increase or decrease your joie de vivre and motivation, liberate or enslave you. Drugs are fun & illuminating, but they can also be deadly and debilitating.



FIRE IN THE BLOOD will look at stimulants and intoxicants through the eyes of junkies, alcoholics, mystics, artists, writers, politicians, the clergy, gurus, community leaders, hedonists, clubbers, historians & anthropologists. The editor is keen to consider intelligent, informed articles dealing with all aspects of drug-taking from every faction in the debate. Novel extracts, short stories, prose, poetry and art inspired by stimulants or dealing with issues around them are also invited.

When this anthology is completed it will be published in a limited run by Acid Angel and all contributors will receive a complimentary copy. If it sells well enough and public interest merits it, a publication or distribution deal may be arranged with a larger publisher: in which case, contributors will be entitled to royalties.


Contributions should be sent to