


Having read the poem a few times now, I'm inclined to believe that the ey to
its 'essence' is in the last 3 words.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Temple [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 1999 11:29 AM
> To: british poets
> Subject: _WALL_: go-kart jurisdiction.
>     Could we _possibly_ be talking the downhill? career of 
> Stanley (the
> patch/exacto knife) Kubrick (with a k), (poster from Clockwork Orange)
> towards the calculated hype (reckoning) of the slow-motion 
> promotional clip
> from his 'Eyes Wide Shut', (not much clock) which might explain the
> otherwise repetitive and gratuitously expletive reference to 
> 'fun', with
> sideways glance to Cronenberg's _Crash_?? After which the interesting
> question arises: What the hell is this poem about??
> Best,
> JT