Lullabies: certainly a lullaby is in part not in the song itself, but the use to which a song is put... An acquaintance of mine sang her son the labour classic "I dreamed I saw Joe Hill last night" as a lullaby for many years.

Should be a fun thesis!

Karine Polwart wrote:

 Hello, I'm currently putting together a thesis proposal for postgraduate study on lullabies (specifically lullabies of North East Scotland but I have a general interest in them) and wondered if anyone could help me hook up with existing experts in the field (maybe, just maybe, the experts are on this list). Whilst I can and do access university library facilities (and the Scottish national library is on my doorstep) I have been living outside acedemia for a few years now and so I'm not too well connected. Can anyone advise who I should speak to? Also any suggestions as to obscure and unmissable reading material would be very welcome. Many thanks. May you all sleep well!