

Please note that remaining places for the EAD European Users Day on 27
October, described below, will be allocated on a first come first served



9.30am to 5.00pm
at the Public Record Office, Kew,
Richmond, Surrey TW9 4DU, UK

This year's EAD European Users Day will be held at the Public Record Office,
the UK National Archives, on Wednesday 27 October 1999.  Not only will there
be a chance to hear about some of the latest developments using EAD in
Europe but also to discuss the particular challenges facing us here and to
put to members of the EAD Working Group (responsible for EAD development)
issues and recommendations.  The cost, including coffee, lunch and tea is


9.30-10.00	coffee and registration
10.00-10.15		welcome and introduction
10.15-11.00	Tone Merete Bruvik, Senior Computing Officer, University of
Bergen, Norway: EAD in the MALVINE Project: converting  existing catalogues
in different formats into EAD, and displaying them on the Web using XML and
11.00-11.30	Christine Woodland, Acting Archivist, Modern Records Centre,
University of Warwick, UK: A British university's experiences with EAD
11.30-12.15	Louise Craven, Senior Archivist, Public Record Office, UK:
Indexing and authority files in an EAD context
12.15-1.30		lunch
1.30-2.15	Alejandro Delgado Gómez, Information Manager, Department of
Archives, Cartagena City Council, Spain: Using EAD in interdisciplinary
contexts: an approach from the point of view of the CHEIRON Project
2.15-3.00	Nancy Elkington, Program Officer, Research Libraries Group:
International, integrated access to archival collections
3.00-3.45	Hans-Dieter Kreikamp, Archivdirektor, Bundesarchiv, Koblenz,
Germany: A newcomer's impressions of EAD
3.45-4.05	tea
4.05-4.40	Issues and questions for members of the EAD Working Group
Kris Kiesling, Jackie Dooley, Michael Fox, Meg Sweet, Richard Szary)
(4.40-5.00	A UK and Ireland EAD Group?)

For the first 40 to express an interest Richard Szary of Yale University and
Lesley Richmond from Glasgow University will, from 11.00-12.30 on Thursday
28 October, lead an informal seminar/briefing on ISAAR(CPF) and EAD.

All those wishing to attend on 27 October (and 28 October) please contact
Charles Tattersall by e-mail ([log in to unmask]) or telephone
0044 (0)181 876 3444, ext 2323 or Hugh Byrne by e-mail
([log in to unmask]) 
