

Dear Colleagues,

Apologies first of all for using the NRA-list for purely social 

Arrangements have finalised for our alternative 'Not the Dublin 
Conference' shindig. If you'd like to come along - and it's open to 
all, archivists, conservators, friends, hangers on, members of 
regions other than London - the details are as follows:

We have tables reserved at the WHITE LION pub, Covent Garden, 
in the UPSTAIRS BAR, from 6PM onwards on THURSDAY 9th 
September. That's this week remember. If you get there late, you 
might have to stand, but apparently all the suits clear out by about 
8 o'clock.

Food is available at the bar, but I'm afraid that due to a computer 
mess-up which I won't explain, I wasn't able to arrange proper Irish 
grub early enough. Still, John the barman is Irish, honest.

The WHITE LION is on the corner of James Street and Floral 
Street. As you come out of Covent Garden tube, turn right and the 
pub is on the right hand corner, not very many yards down. If you 
hit Books Etc, then you've gone too far. There's also another pub 
opposite, which has some sort of red animal in the title, but I can't 
guarantee such a good time if you go in there by mistake.

Please pass details on to anyone who doesn't subscribe to the list, 
and who might be in need on a pint come Thursday. 

ALL WELCOME, and it will be great to see everyone. Look, if you 
don't come, I'm going to look like a really inept Training & Events 
Officer, so even if it's for just a swift half, than please come along...

Oh, and if there are any queries, feel free to give me a call.

London Region Training & Events Officer
Lesley Price,
Assistant Archivist,
School of Oriental and African Studies,
Thornhaugh Street,
Russell Square,
London WC1H OXG

Tel +44(0)171-691-3404
Fax +44(0)171-636-2834
Email [log in to unmask]
