

Dear Allstat members,

I am involved in the design stages of a study which aims to relate 
measurements of lung function to exposure to a particular pollutant 
for a small group of subjects (20 or 30). Both lung function and 
personal exposure will be recorded daily on continuous scales 
of measurement for 60 days.

I will need a regression analysis taking account of the autocorrelation 
between the lung function measurements. A similar study looked at 
deviation from the mean lung function by subtracting a subject's 
mean lung function from the rest of his/her measurements.

I am aware that I will have to investigate a number of possible lags 
for the pollutant measure.

I know the mean and range of the likely pollutant exposures.  I also 
have an estimate and confidence intervals for the effect of a unit 
increase in pollutant on lung function found in a similar study.

Does anyone have any additional suggestions for the analysis 

Does anyone know how to perform a power calculation for this 
type of study?

I would appreciate any references relating to either an 
appropriate analysis or power calculations.

Thank you,

Gordon Prescott

Department of Public Health
University of Aberdeen
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