

ONS plans to introduce ICD-10 for mortality 

Wednesday 1 December 1999, 4.30 for 5.00pm, at the Department of 
Epidemiology and Public Health (Basement lecture theatre), 
1-19 Torrington Place, London WC1 

(ICD-10) has been in use in the NHS since 1995, but cause of death is
still coded to the ninth revision. ONS plans to implement ICD-10 for
mortality data in England and Wales from January 2001 using coding
software developed in the USA by the National Center for Health

This will give a more up to date classification of causes of death, in
line with current concepts. However, the change will cause difficulties
in interpreting time trends. The main issue in mortality coding is not
the codes for individual conditions, but the rules used to select a
single underlying cause of death from all the conditions written on the
death certificate. These rules are to change markedly in ICD-10, and
this will have major effects on the number of deaths attributed to many
diseases particularly pneumonias and chronic debilitating diseases such
as dementias. 

To facilitate interpretation of time trends across the change in 
classification, ONS is planning to bridge code deaths in 2000 to both 
revisions. This HSUG meeting will provide a chance to discuss the 
implications of ICD-10 implementation for users of routine mortality
data including the methods for the bridge coding study and what outputs
users need. Dr Cleo Rooney, Medical Epidemiologist at ONS, will lead the

The lecture theatre is in University College London and people who
intend to come should notify us in advance by e-mailing
[log in to unmask] or, if not on e-mail, phone 0207 533 5249.
