

A reminder that the next Medical Statistics Group Seminar at MANDEC 
is on Wednesday 17th March 1999 at 2.15 p.m.  

The topic is Multilevel Modelling.

The speakers are:

David Clayton (MRC Biostatistics Unit, Cambridge)
"Efficient computational methods for large crossed random effects 

Harvey Goldstein (Institute of Education)
"Analysing repeated measures data using a multilvel model"

Jon Wakefield (Imperial College)
"Hierarchical models for population pharmacokinetics"

All welcome to attend.  Please circulate this information to members 
of your departments.

Please let me or Christine (my secretary on [log in to unmask] or 
0161 275 5952 (answerphone)) know by 10th March if you will be 
attending so that we can arrange to provide enough refreshments!

Thank you
Graham  Dunn
