

Dear Allstaters,

This morning I am overwhelmed with replies to my query

Many thanks to:

Andrew Metcalfe, Jonathan Myles, Nigel Stannard,  Peggo Lam, David Chan,
Derek Christie, Miland Joshi, Tim Auton, Pat Gaffney, Scott Chasalow,
David Woof, Emma McCoy, Gerda Arts,

And  lots more

Meanwhile, I dreamed.  My dream told me to re-arrange the problem.  I
woke at three. 

My dream had told me to re-arrange the matrix

         J=1     J=2     J=3     J=4
 I=1             1       2       4
 I=2                     3       5
 I=3                             6

The solution is independent of N:  1 + I -1.5*J +0.5*J*J

Allstat is wonderful.

Tony Greenfield
Middle Cottage
Little Hucklow
Derbyshire  SK17  8RT

01298  872326
