

       One-day Symposium on Sequential Monitoring in Clinical Trials

                         Wednesday 7 July, 1999

            Medical and Pharmaceutical Statistics Research Unit
                       The University of Reading, UK


      10.00 Registration and coffee

      10.30 Scott Emerson (University of Washington)
            A comparison of scales for group sequential design families

      11.30 Jon Denne (DeMontfort University)
            Adapting group sequential tests to enable resizing on the
            basis of conditional power at the estimated treatment effect

      12.30 Lunch

      2.00  Anne Whitehead (University of Reading)
            Mid-trial design reviews for sequential clinical trials

      3.00  Tea

      3.30  Discussion chaired by John Whitehead (University of Reading)
            Issues in implementation of sequential monitoring

   Registration charge:                         45 pounds 
   Academic rate:                               25 pounds
Pre-registration is essential.  Please print out the attached form and 
return it together with payment to

Barbara Dodds
MPS Research Unit
The University of Reading
PO Box 240
Earley Gate

E-mail: [log in to unmask] 


       One-day Symposium on Sequential Monitoring in Clinical Trials

                         Wednesday 7 July, 1999

            Medical and Pharmaceutical Statistics Research Unit
                       The University of Reading, UK

                            Registration form

I would like to be registered for the symposium on sequential monitoring 
in clinical trials.  A cheque payable to "The University of Reading" is

Registration charge:   45 pounds
(academic rate:        25 pounds)

     Name:         .......................................

     Institution:  .......................................

     Address:      .......................................




     Phone:        .......................................

     E-mail:       .......................................

Please return completed form to:

     Barbara Dodds
     MPS Research Unit
     The University of Reading
     PO Box 240
     Earley Gate
     RG6 6FN, UK
