

The 1999 Corcoran Memorial Lectures will be held on Thursday March 11.
The lectures are aimed at a broad statistical audience, and are open to
anyone interested in attending.

Lecturer:  Professor Peter McCullagh FRS (University of Chicago)

Lectures:  "Re-sampling and exchangeable arrays"

	    "Linear models and representation theory"

The lectures will be held at 3:30 and 5:00 pm, in the Mary Ogilvie
Lecture Theatre, St. Anne's College, Oxford.

Tea will be served between the lectures, and sherry afterwards.

There will be an informal buffet supper after the lectures.  The cost
will be UKP 14.00 per person.  If you wish to attend, please send a
cheque, by March 5, payable to "The Department of Statistics", to The
Administrator, Department of Statistics, University of Oxford, 1 South
Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3TG.
