

Apologies for cross-posting.

I have just received SSIN 25/99. it was received in our institution on 21 May 1999, yet is dated 4 May 1999, and calls for action by (some) HEIs by 17 May 1999.

I have spoken to a number of colleagues who either have also just received it, or else have not yet had sight of it at all.
So far not one HEI says they received it some time ago.

The purpose of this email is to sound-out other HEIs who are affected by the demands placed on us by this SSIN.

In particular, my concerns are as follows:

- having supplied original data to the SLC on time, (having asked the SLC about the desired format required, and having pointed-out a number of the very issues now resolved by this SSIN), it could now prove possible for our students not to have their cheques delivered to the correct distribution site, as LEAs may not recognise the format in which we originally submitted.
[I recognise that we may have an opportunity to submit amendments; however, how many LEAs will claim that they could only work off the original submission in time for the start of term?]
at the end of the day, if the student feels messed-around, we know who they will blame for having to chase from site to site for their cheque, or if their cheque is not to the value they are expecting.

- if I had received this SSIN in time, I could have made the submission date with my amended data in time for the distribution of version 1 of the data files by SLC to LEAs.

- I estimate another 3 days worth of work to amend our entry.

- I feel slightly aggrieved that those HEIs who made the initial deadlines are the ones most likely to be penalised by the finalised formats as required by SSIN 25/99.

[once you have received this SSIN]
do colleagues have any comments?

tony silvester
admin co-ordinator
non-academic student administration
university of derby
student administration

tel: +44 (0) 1332 622222 ext 1879
