

Anne and colleagues

The problem with time-series data is that, until 1994/95 onwards, there
was no consistency of definitions across the various constituent parts
of either the UK or the HE sector. 

And ethnicity data, for example, wasn't routinely collected until
1994/5.  Some fairly high level comparative statistics since then are
available through our web site, and we have also contributed to an
annual review in the THES in which some statistics are, with lots of
caveats, forced into time series.  The latest of these was September
1998, and should be available on their web site. 

Brian Ramsden

>From: 	Anne Johnson[SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
>Sent: 	07 February 1999 14:40
>To: 	[log in to unmask]
>Subject: 	sources of HE stats
>Has anyone found a website or an online report which provides general 
>statistics about UK Higher Education? I am especially thinking of trend 
>data e.g. change in overall student numbers, growth in the proportion of 
>mature students, ratio of male:female, ethnicity data, and so on. I have 
>tried all the obvious places such as HESA, Dearing, DfEE etc.
>If so, please let us all know so we can bookmark the URL!
>Anne Johnson
>Assistant Registrar (Student Systems)
>University of Sussex; Tel: 01273 (67)8761
>e-mail [log in to unmask]
