

You can often find adverts of this sort in the back pages of the 
Economist. If I remember correctly there is a 'university' called "The 
University of the Western Pacific" that will award degrees based on 
your C.V.!  If I were an employer I wouldn't attach much credence 
to one, a case of buyer beware I suppose.

Marcus Leaning


> I've just received the following message. Has anyone else 
> received one of these or know anything about this scam?
> Rob
> ------- 

> Increase your personal prestige and money 
> earning power through an advanced 
> university degree. 
> Eminent, non-accredited universities will 
> award you a degree for only $200. 
> Degree granted based on your present 
> knowledge and experience.  No further 
> effort necessary on your part.
> Just a short phone call is all that is required for a 
> BA, MA, MBA, or PhD diploma in the field of your 
> choice. 
> For details, call 602-230-4252
> Rob Sherville
> Assistant Registrar (Student Experience)
> University of Teesside
