

At Heriot-Watt we have recently introduced a degree of EngD.

We currently award the Doctor of Engineering by published 
work and as an honorary degree. With the introduction of 
the degree of EngD there is concern that three degrees 
awarded with the same title might lead to confusion.

If you have encountered such problems, I should be 
grateful if you would indicate how you have overcome them.

I understand that the EngD is offered at Warwick, Cardiff, 
Surrey, Brunel, Cranfield, UMIST, Southampton and 
University College London.

Thank you.

Stewart Smith

Stewart Smith
Assistant Registrar (Quality)
Heriot-Watt University
EH14 4AS

Tel: 0131 451 3632
Fax: 0131 449 5153
email: [log in to unmask]
