

At Exeter we are currently reviewing the procedures for 
collection of tuition fees from students, and would like to 
survey the methods used by other HEIs . I would greatly 
appreciate if you would take time to answer the following 

1. Do you allow payments by instalments?
2. If yes, how many instalments do you allow (e.g.2per 
year,once per term or other)?
3. What are your payment dates?
4. Do you make any administration charges for instalment 
arrangements, and if so how much?
5. I assume you accept payment by cash, cheque and 
credit/debit card.Do you allow for payments to be made by:
- overseas credit/debit cards?
- direct debit?
- standing orders?
6. Do you accept all types of credit/debit cards? If not 
which do you accept and why?
7. Do you make any additional charges for any of these 
payment methods, and if so how much?
8.If payments are accepted by cheque do you collect 
postdated cheques for future payments?
9. If so, what do you do with these cheques until date 
payment is due? 
10. Have you found any problems with collection 
of fee payments related directly to the instalment or 
payment method used by your HEI, in particular
- payment by overseas credit card
- administration problems associated with direct 
debits/standing orders
- handling postdated cheques and bounced cheques

I would be grateful to have any responses by 6 August, and 
will provide a summary of the results via the mailbase the 
following week. 

Thank you for your time and assistance in this matter.
Michelle Jagger
Student Loans/Access Fund Administrator
University of Exeter
Phone 01392 263858
