


What arrangements have the SLC/LEAs made to ensure cheques for clearing
students or late applicants are processed via a fast-track mechanism?  What
is the likely turnround time?  (HEIs will be faced with many students with
no funding, it would be helpful to know what timescale to expect in order
to consider  arrangements for short term loans.)


At 18:55 27/06/99 +0100, you wrote:
>I have been invited to talk at the LEA Awards Officers' Conference on
>Thursday, putting the higher education perspective.  I am proposing
>something along the lines of the synopsis below.  Are there any other
>substantial issues which you would like me to raise?  If so, please let me
>know by the end of Tuesday.
>Roger Clark
>Academic Registrar
>University of Reading
>PART 1 : What HE has to do (briefly)
>Notify SLC of withdrawals and suspensions
>Receive fee notifications from SLC
>Collect student financial notifications
>Invoice student fee contributions
>Issue loan cheques
>Confirm issue to SLC
>Confirm attendance on 1 December, and expectation of continuation in January
>(equivalent to invoice)
>Confirm expectation of  return for Summer Term
>PART 2 : HEIs' Concerns
>Have LEAs caught up the slippage?
>Will students apply for loans in time?
>Will they all apply at once -
>UCAS confirmation of offers 20 August
>Four weeks before start of term is 31 August
>Will they wait till offers are confirmed?
>And all apply at once?
>If they do, will the SLC be able to cope?
>Will the SLC's processes be ready and tested?
>Will cheques go to the right campus?
>On the right dates?
>How rapidly will the system cope with students
>going to their Insurance university?
>Accepting changed course offers?
>Accepting places in Clearing?
>Will HEIs have problems handling cheques for students who are not entitled
>to them?
>Will the rules about giving cheques for students registered on a different
>course from that on the LEA/SLC records work?
>How assiduous will HEIs be in reporting withdrawals and suspensions?
>AS1/AS2 reports (and their successors)

Sue Cartwright			Tel:  0171 504 2017
Director of Student Finance		Fax: 0171 380 7920
Registrar's Division			email: [log in to unmask]
University College London
Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT
