


I know we've discussed anonymous marking in exams before and that practices

I'd be interested however to hear from any universities which use anonymity
for other (all??) types of assessment.  Feel free to reply to me directly,
but four questions:

1. Does your university have a formal policy (university-wide) on anonymity
in examinations?

2. If yes, does your university also extend such a policy to other forms of
assessment (eg essays, dissertations, project work)?

3. With or without a formal policy on such anonymity, would those who have
ANY amount of anonymous marking for methods of assessment other than exam
please give a brief description (eg, covering sheets, use of student numbers

4. At what stage in the marking or exam board process is anonymity removed?

Many thanks, in advance
Iestyn G Henson
Quality Officer
University of Wales Swansea
Singleton Park                              Tel: 01792 295875
SWANSEA                                   Fax: 01792 295157
SA2 8PP                                       Email:
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