

To those who attended SROC 99 at Bangor.

I hope you enjoyed the conference and had a good journey home.

I mentioned at the Conference that Norman Jackson would like SROC to respond to
his paper on Developing a Progress File for Higher Education.  I suggest that we
get together a small group of interested people who would be prepared to draft a
response.  This could be either at a special one-day meeting or by each person
drafting a response to the questions posed and then the answers being pulled
together.  I would prefer the former method but much will depend on the people
taking up the offer to participate. (I already have one offer).  If you didn't
attend the Conference but are still interested I can send you a copy of the

This is an important issue for HEIs and I hope that there will sufficient people
coming forward to produce a response.

Can you please email me ([log in to unmask]) if you are interested?  I will be away
next week but will pick up your responses on my return.

Many thanks.

Dennis Barrington-Light
Head of Student Records and Statistics
University of Cambridge, 10 Peas Hill, Cambridge  CB2 3PN
Tel:    01223-332303 (Direct line)    Fax:    01223-331200
Email: [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]
