

At Aston, as many other institutions, our policy statement on term time
working states that working should not cause the student to miss any
timetabled sessions and we recommend a maximum of 15 hours per week.

In response to the query on the proportion of students who work during term
time, I can't really give an answer. When I was dealing with Access Funds
applications last year, a large proportion of the applicants had a part time
job but I'm not sure how representative they were of the general student

Our Guild (students' union) has a Job Shop to help students find employment,
and quite a few are employed by the University itself, particularly in the
catering area.

Liz Petley
Elizabeth Petley
Assistant Registrar
Registry & Planning Services
Aston University
Aston Triangle
B4 7ET

Tel: 0121 359 3611 ext 4809
Fax: 0121 333 6350
