

Trying to save time, I have two enquiries. Feel free to answer

1.  Negative Marking.  The few departments at Swansea which use multiple
choice assessment do so with so-called negative marking e.g. where a
choice of 4 answers is given,  1 mark is awarded for a correct answer
and 0.25 is deducted for a wrong answer to counterbalance the effect of
guesswork.  The Students' Union have complained that this is unfair, but
academics insist that there is substantial research/theory to back up
their position.  Problem is that they can't actually give me a reference
for this theory.  The maths of this negative marking seems right to me -
but does anyone out there know where I might find further details of the

2.  Employment. Swansea would be grateful for details of any
advice/guidelines that colleagues issue with respect to student
employment (principally full-time undergrads).  As 'working through
college' becomes more common, we'd like to issue some advice and
guidelines ourselves: any information about practice elsewhere would be

Many thanks, in advance
Iestyn G Henson
Administrative Assistant
University of Wales Swansea
Singleton Park                              Tel: 01792 295875
SWANSEA                                   Fax: 01792 295157
SA2 8PP                                       Email:
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