

Many thanks to all of you who commented on my CK-MB Troponin I discrepancy

To answer some of your requests for further info the lady was euthyroid by
TSH & fT4 (also on AxSYM !!). CK isoenzymes by electrophoresis, thanks to
colleagues in Liverpool, showed 2.4% CK-MB which is at an "equivocal"
level. They also kindly repeated the Troponin T which confirmed earlier
troponin findings.

On balance I think this is an example of over-estimation by the AxSYM CK-MB
assay - a phenomenon which any assay seems capable of producing on
occasions, though some more often than others. I am waiting for a reply
from Abbott. This time TnI seems to have been most reliable.

Geoff Lester
