

Hi all,

It is that time again, when full of the joys of Spring, the elections
for the main committe posts of LVRG are open, to be finally decided at
the next meeting on the 8th April.

Currently in post are for:
Chair: Simon,
Secretary: myself
Web-masters: Mark & Josh

Nominations are now open for these posts. 

Due to his unending efforts and committment I nominate Simon for a
further year of giving up much of his free time.

And following the excellent debut of the new web-site, I also nominate
Mark & Josh to continue as web-masters.

However, in my role as secretary, I can only encourage other
nominations. How about making it a competition this year?

I am for a week at a conference, so excuse any delay in my response
until April 5th...



Avon Huxor
Centre for Electronic Arts
Middlesex University
