

There's Type & Talk from textHELP. Gives similar facilities to Read & Write 
on the PC but it incorporates it own text editor so it can't work with a 
seperate wordprocessor. (

Also take a look at Don Johnston. Their UK web site is
They have Write:OutLoud and, although I could not find it on their site, a 
magnifying package called In-Large.

Also take a look at
for a comprehensive list of free and shareware packages.

>  we have had a request  to support a group of Dyslexic/ 
> Disabled students who will be using an Apple Mac. Are there any   
> packages  which can mimic a Windows screen reader or magnifying 
> software ? And is there a good mac supplier you could recommend 
> for this.


Paul Dilley, Technical Manager & dis-forum list owner
Computer Centre for People with Disabilities, University of Westminster
** The Central London Access Centre ** NFAC **
Tel: 020 7911 5000 Fax: 020 7911 5162
For assessment bookings tel: 020 7911 5808
