

Dear listmembers,
I am a new qual-soft user and I just started to analyze my interview data
with NUDIST. While analyzing and writing the first paper on my subject, I
realized how much more efficient and convenient it would be to have my
literature notes on computer too. So far I have made my literature notes
with "the traditional" indexcard system: an indexword and a running number
on each card and a separate list of all indexwords with card numbers below.
But if the literature notes are "closer" to the interview data then it would
be much easier to put the data and literature to "discuss" with each other
at different phases of the research process.

I would like to ask you all, how do you organize your literature notes (and
bibliographies too)? Do you use any specific software and how do they relate
to NUDIST? You can also reply directly to me.

Thank you

Jarmo Houtsonen                         email: [log in to unmask]
Senior assistant
Department of Sociology
University of Joensuu
