

Dear Anselm:

I checked the PL database, but received no hits for "nemo purus homo." I
did receive 182 hits for "purus homo." None are from Hugh of St. Victor.
Would you like me to send you the list of authors?

As for "non sistit aliquis visionem usque ad ipsum Christum," there were
no hits, medieval or modern, but assuming the quote was exact, and
marking your suspicion of "visionem," I truncated to "usque ad ipsum
Christum" and received 4 hits:

1. Rabanus Maurus, Homiliae, 110:0458B
2. Herveus Burgidolensis, Commentaria in epistola divi Pauli, 181:1158B
3. Petrus Cluniacensis, Tractatus adversus Judaeorum, 189:0537C
4. Gerhohus Reicherspergensis, Commentarius aureus in psalmos, 193:1026D

None, as best as I can tell, mention a visio. They are concerned instead
with the generations of Abraham.

I hope this is helpful.

Merry Christmas,

