

Today, 25 December, is the feast of ...

* the Nativity of Jesus
- it is not until the reign of pope Liberius in the mid-fourth century
that we hear of this feast being celebrated generally

* Eugenia, virgin and martyr at Alexandria (258)

* Martyrs at Nicomedia (303)
- several thousand Christians were assembled on the feast of the
Nativity when Diocletian ordered the doors of the church to be closed,
and the building to be burned to the ground - but as the feast was not
celebrated in this place until well after the time of Diocletian, we
know this to be an inaccurate tale (yet it is told just the same)

* Anastasia the Younger, martyr (304)
- devoted to imprisoned Christians, she herself was deported with them
to the island of Palmaria, where she was stretched to posts stuck in the
earth, her hands and feet extended like a St Andrew's cross, and a fire
lighted around her which soon consumed her

* Adalsendis, virgin (c. 678)
- youngest daughter of St Adalbald and St Rictudis, she entered the
convent of Marchiennes in Hainault with her mother, and died soon
afterward on 25 December; her mother restrained her tears for her
beloved until the Feast of the Innocents, lest her sorrow mar the
solemnity of the Nativity

* Peter the Venerable, abbot (1156)
- a venerable abbot named Peter, who headed the monastery of Cluny for
thirty-four years

* Fulk of Toulouse, confessor (1231)
- born in Genova, he was a minstrel until he joined the Cistercians, and
then was named bishop of Toulouse, becoming known as 'the minstrel
bishop'; highly esteemed by contemporaries for his preaching

* Jacopone da Todi (1306)
- member of the Spiritual Franciscans, and author of many hymns and
'laude'; reputed to have written the *Stabat Mater dolorosa* and *Stabat
Mater speciosa*

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Dr Carolyn Muessig
Department of Theology and Religious Studies
University of Bristol
Bristol BS8 1TB
phone: +44(0)117-928-8168
fax: +44(0)117-929-7850
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