

A new book and linked web site describing the work of the UK Open
University's Knowledge Media Institute has recently been launched: 'The
Knowledge Web: Learning and Collaborating on the Net', published by
Kogan Page, has a dedicated web site at

The site includes pointers to online ordering facilities, an overview
and synopsis of the book, and links to the case studies and first-hand
experiences best provided on the Web.

The book, edited by Professors Marc Eisenstadt and Tom Vincent, is the
culmination of the first three years of activity in the Knowledge Media
Institute.   It provides a living testimonial to the educational
possibilities offered by a carefully-designed research and development
programme centred around 'Knowledge Media'.  This term reflects the new
developments made possible by bringing together researchers in the
learning and cognitive sciences, multimedia enabling technologies for
disabled learners, and artificial intelligence.  The result of this
collaboration is described in sixteen chapters, each of which is linked
to a custom-built site on the Web containing up-to-date examples of the
work through which readers can explore and engage in on-line

WHOM THE BOOK IS FOR (from the introduction)

This book is aimed at a broad audience of
University-level 'practitioners', 'casual observers of new technology
developments', corporate trainers, and others who have caught the wave
of excitement about developments in learning, organisational memory and
knowledge representation on the World Wide Web. We assume that most
readers will already be experienced users of the World Wide Web, and
interested either in innovative uses of the Web for education and
collaboration, or alternatively in cognitive science or knowledge
modelling aspects which can benefit from Web usage.  You will not need
to be a 'Web professional' or 'HTML authoring wizard', although in fact
such professionals will find much of interest herein.

The book is suitable for use on University-level courses at both
advanced undergraduate and postgraduate (post-B.A.) level.  As a
collection of examples, it highlights new and effective uses of the Web
in education.  As a research document, it opens the door to new avenues
of work in multimedia, intelligent agents, collaboration, streaming
media, and knowledge modelling.

The site:
